Instructions, user manuals and sales literature for the AUTOMATISME range are available for download below.

Technical documentation
Manuals and instruction manuals for the AUTOMATISME range
Control cabinets :
Radio :
MRMINI1E+ - Encrypted 433.920 MHz receiver
MRMINI2E+ - Encrypted 433.920 MHz receiver
MRMINI2E - 433.920 MHz receiver
MR1E-XP-V6 - 433.920 MHz receiver
MR1E- OLD VERSION - 433.920 MHz receiver
MR1E- XP-V5 - 433.920 MHz receiver
MR2E+ - Encrypted 433.920 MHz receiver
MR2E-XP - 433.920 MHz receiver
MRA2E-XP - Two-channel receiver + antenna
MR4E+ - Encrypted 433.920 MHz receiver
MR4E-XP - 433.920 MHz receiver
DOM-M500 - 433.920 MHz receiver
MR4S - 868 MHz receiver
MR2E230-DIN - 433.920 MHz receiver
MPSTL4E - 433.920 MHz transmitter
MPSTP2E-XP - 433.920 MHz transmitter
MPSTF3E - 433.920 MHz transmitter
SLIM+ - Encrypted 433.920 MHz transmitter
SLIM2E/4E - 433.920 MHz transmitter
TC2E/4E - 433.920 MHz transmitter
KMFT4P - 433.920 MHz transmitter
MR-GSM - 433.920 MHz GSM receiver
MR-GSM- EXTI4- 2 additional inputs module
Radio bridges :
Photocells :
FOTO30A/B - Active IR photocells
FT12 - Adjustable photocell
FT25B - Battery Photocell
FOTO35SDE - Built-in photocell
FT20-AV- Vandal-proof photocell
FT30-AV- Vandal-proof photocell
FSTYLE25A- Vandal-proof photocell
FOTO9S2AST - Separate photocell amplifier and sensor
FOTO9S2AST - Probe amplifier
CR10MS - Mini probe
CR15NM - PNP/NPN mini photocells
Video door entry systems :
Metal mass detectors :
Programming tools :
Sales literature
AUTOMATISM product sheets
Control cabinets :
Radio :
Radio bridges :
Turn signals :
Video door entry :
Innovative electronic solutions
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